nurse speaking with mother and son

Choices and Changes: Motivating Healthy Behaviours Workshop


Choices and Changes: Motivating Healthy Behaviours (Choices and Changes) is a workshop created by the Institute for Healthcare Communication and accredited by the American Medical Association.  The workshop is designed to acquaint participants with the literature, theory and techniques for promoting change in health behaviours. Choices and Changes is offered as a full or half day workshop. The program can also be introduced as a 1 hour grand rounds presentation.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Describe two theoretical models of behaviour change that can guide conversations with patients
  • Demonstrate three motivational interviewing core skills
  • Describe the four key elements of the visits with a patient
  • Put into practice two techniques to use in clinical settings to influence change

This workshop is offered as a full day in person workshop or online as two - 2.75 hour sessions held one week apart.


Register for a Choices and Changes: Motivating Healthy Behaviours Workshop 




Get In Touch

1 (866) 971-5545